Lil Readers Book Club Box Review: The Space Box

Lil Readers Book Club Box Review: The Space Box

3...2...1...blast off! This month's Lil Readers Book Club Box is all about space! Here's an inside look at The Space Box!

Lil Readers Book Club is a monthly subscription box that focuses on reading comprehension and growing a love of reading in kids. Lil Readers features a fun, new theme every month. Past themes include The Dinosaur Box, The Froggy Box, and even The Pizza Party Box! Each box comes with 3 books that are hand-picked by us that your kids will love reading over and over again. Your kids will even enjoy the hands-on activities that are included in every box. To start a monthly subscription to Lil Readers, go here to learn more! 


Here are the three books included in The Space Box. 

There's an Alien in Your Book by Tom Fletcher and Greg Abbott

This interactive book is a fun read for young kids. They will enjoy bouncing and turning as they try to get the alien back into space! Aliens don't belong on earth, after all. 

Little Genius Solar System by Joe Rhatigan and Mattia Cerato 

Explore the solar system as you follow the sun to meet and learn about each of the planets. This simple book is a fun way to introduce your kids to our vast outer space as they learn facts about each planet. 

The Three Little Aliens and the Big Bad Robot by Margaret McNamara and Mark Fearing 

This book is a fun take on one of our favorite classic stories. Three little aliens are settling into their new home as the Big, Bad Robot shows up to take their houses down! Take a trip around the solar system as you read this intriguing story with your kids. 


Here are some fun activities that you will find in your box that go along with the theme this month. You will find step-by-step instructions and photos on how to complete the crafts in the Parent Guide. 

Solar System Link Craft 

Color the sun and all of the planets in the solar system after you read "Little Genius Solar System". Link them all together to form your own mobile.

Outer Space Sticker Scene

Use the stickers to create your own galaxy. 

Alien Spaceship Craft 

It's a's a's an alien? Create your own spaceship complete with your own alien! 


Create-Your-Own Constellation 

Form your own constellation using stickers and a white crayon. Use your imagination to search for a picture in the stars! 

Get your kids excited about reading by joining Lil Readers Book Club! To receive your own box every month, go here to start your subscription.
To purchase a One-Time Space Box, go here.

One-Time boxes are available while supplies last. 

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