9 Tips to Ease The Summer Transition Back To School for the Whole Family
The end of summer can bring mixed emotions for kids. While some are eager to reunite with friends and go back to school, others might be feeling a bit apprehensive about leaving the relaxed summer days behind. As parents, we play a crucial role in transitioning back to school after summer. With a little preparation, you’ll make this time as smooth as possible for the whole family.
1. Early to Bed, Early to Rise
Summer often means later bedtimes and sleeping in, as well as relaxed routines. Gradually shift your child's sleep schedule back to a school-friendly one. Begin by starting their bedtime routine 10-15 minutes earlier each night in the weeks leading up to the first day. Encourage your older children, who may have later bedtimes, to have quiet time at the end of the night so they don’t distract your younger kids from preparing for bed.
2. Positive Vibes Only
Your attitude about school plays a big role in shaping your children’s perspectives. Talk about the exciting things they'll learn, the friends they'll see, how much they’ll like their teachers, and the fun activities they'll participate in. If they express any worries, address them with understanding and reassurance.
3. Swapping in Healthy Snacks
Summer often involves more indulgent treats, simply because we’re excited for seasonal delights like s’mores and food is more accessible during the day. Ease the transition by teaching your child about the healthy snacks they'll enjoy in their lunchbox. Let them help you prepare snacks like fruit skewers, yogurt parfaits, or homemade trail mix.
4. Family Schedule Check-In
The first day of school brings about a whole new routine. Sit down together and review the upcoming schedule, including school hours, extracurricular activities, and family time. Having a dedicated family meeting will help everyone get organized and anticipate what's to come.
5. Reading for Fun
Encourage a love of reading by making it a daily summertime activity. Let your children choose books that interest them, whether it's graphic novels, fairy tales, or nonfiction. By allowing them to choose what to read, you’re helping to associate reading with enjoyment, not just schoolwork.
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6. Get Organized
Preparing for back-to-school season means getting organized, which your children can and should help with so that they feel a sense of ownership over their school belongings. Set aside time to shop for school supplies, label their belongings, clean out their lunchboxes, and pack their backpacks.
7. Reconnect with Friends
Arrange playdates with classmates before school starts to rekindle friendships and build excitement. Your kids will be excited to hear what their friends have been up to, as well as share all their fun summer memories!
9. Set Reading Goals
Help your children set some goals for the school year. Ask your children’s teachers for reading goals that are appropriate for their reading level, development, and age. For example, your kids might decide to read a certain number of books per week or for an allotted number of minutes per day. Don’t forget to reward your kids for meeting their goals too!
Every child is different. Some may adapt quickly, while others might need more time. This can vary within families, from child to child, too. Be patient and understanding with these complex feelings. Offer plenty of encouragement. With a little forethought, you can help your children navigate the transition from summer break to the school year with confidence and enthusiasm.