Surviving Quiet Time: A Guide For Parents & Children - Subscription Box Kids

Surviving Quiet Time: A Guide For Parents & Children

It's quiet time. At last.

You've been looking forward to this moment since you woke up this morning. After a long day of playing with your kids, you're ready to sit down and take a few minutes for yourself—to regroup, recharge, and maybe just drink a cup of coffee while it's still hot.

Then… the whining starts. And the begging. "I'm bored!" they cry, or "I don't want to read." They follow you around the house and tug on your clothes, or they shout out of the quiet-time room so you can hear them through the door.

Well, we're here to tell you: don't give in!

We know that quiet time isn't always easy for parents, but it is a vital part of your child's development and ability to learn how to manage their emotions and focus their attention independently. Quiet time helps children learn how to cope with boredom (a skill that will help them throughout their lives), as well as practice self-soothing (which can lead to less anxiety later on).

So never fear! We're here to help you make quiet time work for your family. 

What are Quiet Time Activities?

The term "quiet time" refers to a designated period of the day, usually around lunchtime or after a nap, when you and your child are expected to remain calm, quiet, and/or still. You might use this time to read books, play with toys in a designated area (such as a child's room or playroom), color pictures, work on puzzles, or other similar activities that don't require too much energy output.

quiet time activities for 5 year olds

In What Situations is Quiet Time Useful?

Quiet time can be useful in many different situations. It can help children calm down after an intense activity like running around outside or playing on the playground. It can help children who are having trouble with their behavior cope with their emotions before transitioning to an activity that requires more social interaction. It can also benefit children who have difficulty with transitions by giving them some extra time to prepare for a change in schedule.

How Do I Implement Quiet Time?

Implementation depends on your goals and the needs of your child. Some families choose to use quiet time every day while others may only use it when they need some extra help managing behavior issues or calming down before bedtime. You may want to start by setting aside 20 minutes each day and seeing how your child reacts. You can add more time as your child gets used to quiet time. 

Why Quiet Time is Important

Quiet time is a chance for your children to rest, relax, and build up the emotional and physical resilience they'll need for the rest of their lives. It's important for them because it helps them to develop executive function and emotional regulation skills that will be invaluable as they grow. When we're able to regulate our emotions, we're better able to come up with creative solutions, problem-solve and use constructive feedback, and engage in positive social interactions.

And the good news is that these are all things that quiet time can help your kids learn. Quiet time gives them space and time to think about and process their feelings, which helps them develop better self-awareness and self-control—both critical tools for managing their emotions. They'll also feel more comfortable turning inward for answers instead of externalizing their problems.

In addition to helping children learn to manage their emotions, quiet time also benefits kids by giving them an opportunity to practice mindfulness and develop focus skills. This increases their ability to concentrate on tasks without becoming distracted or losing interest.

Finally, quiet time also helps them to build self-control. Being able to sit quietly and not move around constantly takes practice and discipline, which is something children will need throughout the rest of their lives as well as in school.

Research shows that quiet time helps:

  • calm a child who has gotten overstimulated by too much activity
  • increase focus and self-control
  • develop emotional regulation skills (e.g., being able to calm yourself down)
  • improve problem-solving abilities
  • encourage creativity and curiosity

quiet time activities to try

Activities to Try During Quiet Time

We know coming up with stimulating activities during quiet time can be difficult. It’s easy to just throw on a TV program (and sometimes that’s the best option), but it’s important to diversify the activities your child participates in during quiet time. You want to give them diverse activities because different activities help them develop different skills. 

Take a look at these 10 activities you could do during quiet time:

  • Make a book out of construction paper and pipe cleaners.
  • Read a book or have someone read to you.
  • Draw a picture of everyone in your family.
  • Play with Playdough.
  • Watch their favorite prosocial TV show (Daniel Tiger, Thomas & Friends, etc).
  • Complete a puzzle.
  • Practice coloring inside the lines.
  • Cut out simple shapes with scissors (with supervision).
  • Do some kid yoga (Cosmic Kids Yoga is our favorite).
  • Paint a picture on a plate (easy cleanup).

Subscription Box Kids

If you’re looking for more quiet time activities for your child, Subscription Box Kids is ready to make things easy for you! Here at Subscription Box Kids, we make it simple for you to give your child a fun and exciting activity. We have two types of boxes, depending on the age of your child and where they're at in their development.

Our boxes are loaded with activities specifically designed to develop your child's fine-motor skills, creativity, and language skills. We also help them prepare for school by teaching them to enjoy reading, math, science and more. Check out our boxes today to see which box is right for you.

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